Farewell to Ron Klain

Ron Klain has always run towards the fire. He led Vice President Gore’s Florida recount fight in 2000. He helped Vice President Biden and President Obama rescue the American economy from the depths of the Great Recession in 2008. He marshalled the United States Government to mount an unprecedented response to the Ebola pandemic in […]

Our Gold Medal Finish

The 2020 cycle felt like the Olympics. Four years of quiet investment, sacrifice, and preparation were all expended over a few short weeks of intense competition with the whole world watching. After the 2016 election, some yearned for a silver-bullet solution that would guarantee us victory. Of course no such solution ever existed. A diverse […]

GOTV in 2020: The New Field Program

This cycle, nearly all voter contact has been virtual – candidate events, fundraisers, and, over the past several months, GOTV efforts. We sat down with Angela Lang and Addisu Demissie to discuss how GOTV has changed this year, the innovative strategies used, and the best practices they expect will continue in future cycles.  Angela Lang […]

Contingency Planning for Campaign Season

By: Leah Soffer and Danielle Winterhalter As the seasons change and the most consequential election of our lives is just 36 days away, the harsh reality of the ongoing global pandemic is hitting campaigns in new ways, every single day.  Like many, we at SpeakEasy are driven by caffeine-fueled nights, with the camaraderie of our […]

3 Million and Counting: Company Spotlight, Mobilize

Last week Mobilize celebrated 3 million supporters turning their passion into action. We sat down with Valentine Ollawa, Director of Client Success, to discuss how they’ve helped organizers and volunteers take action this cycle.  Congratulations on crossing 3 million supporters on Mobilize!Thank you! It’s a huge accomplishment for us as a company – especially knowing […]

Relational FTW: Company Spotlight, Outvote

Outvote is a relational organizing tool that has taken the progressive space by storm. Founded in 2018, Outvote is being used by staff and volunteers on campaigns up and down the ballot and organizations pushing for social change. We sat down with Emily DaSilva, COO of Outvote, to discuss the innovative ways clients have adopted […]

Get Ready to Vote with BallotReady

Alex Niemczewski, founder of BallotReady, and her team want to make it easier for everyone to get out and vote. And they’ve done just that. Their comprehensive voter guides and, now, their vote by mail tool, walk voters through the entire VBM process from requesting a ballot to sending it off.  Here’s five things BallotReady […]

5 reasons to consider becoming a progressive startup founder

Has anyone ever told you that *you* should consider becoming a founder of a progressive technology startup? Well, we just did! Starting a company is a way for you to use your creativity and expertise to solve real problems that you understand better than anyone else. It takes commitment, perseverance, and vision – but ultimately […]

Adaptive Campaigning During COVID: Recap

Adaptive Campaigning During COVID: Recap COVID-19 has drastically changed the landscape of campaigns in many ways. From how campaigns interact with voters to connecting with potential donors, campaigns have had to adapt to a substantially different environment. We previously highlighted solutions to campaign objectives affected by COVID-19, which includes strategies and tools for voter outreach, […]

Civic Eagle: Walking the Walk

From constant analysis, to machine learning, to investment, Damola and his team have worked to create a powerful tool, Enview, that discovers, analyzes, and manages state and federal legislation. And they’ve done it with diverse talent that is modeling inclusivity and paving the way for Black and POC founders.