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Company Profile: Meet 5 Calls

Taking action and making your voice heard by government representatives is now more important than ever. 5 Calls is making it easier for voters to take action into their own hands with a simple online tool that allows users to make calls to voters more quickly and effectively.

After working on the Clinton campaign in both San Francisco and Las Vegas, co-founders Nick O’Neill and Rebecca Kaufman used what they had learned working with campaign volunteers to build an open-source platform that gave people a straightforward outlet for resisting the incoming administration’s plans. Originally, the platform encouraged users to make five phone calls in five minutes on relevant progressive issues each week. Since it launched in early 2017, 5 Calls has become a vibrant platform for progressive organizations from the State and National level to engage their membership with meaningful action.

With the 2018 midterm races around the corner, 5 Calls is using their platform to help phone bank volunteers for progressive campaigns and organizations. Campaigns have little choice in phone banks for their volunteers, and existing tools are dated and unfriendly. Phone tools are also expensive for campaigns, don’t extend to down ballot races, and are hard to reach volunteers even if you have the money.

The 5 Calls platform offers phone banks at a price affordable to any campaign and keeps volunteers engaged by providing an accessible, mobile-friendly experience that they’re already familiar with. Volunteers can confidentially track the number of calls they’ve made to see where they’ve had an impact, and share their results to recruit other volunteers to call. By giving progressive activists the ability to track their impact across issue and electoral campaigns alike, 5 Calls is building a network of activists who know exactly where to go when they want to get involved in advocacy and campaigns.

The online platform has already facilitated over 2 million phone calls, and that number is growing quickly. 5 Calls recently released their phone bank product for the general public and have been readily gathering new customers! If you’re a campaign of any size that contacts voters, 5 Calls can make those contacts more meaningful and recruit more volunteers for your cause. To learn more about 5 Calls or to connect with the team, reach out to