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Farewell to Ron Klain

Ron Klain has always run towards the fire. He led Vice President Gore’s Florida recount fight in 2000. He helped Vice President Biden and President Obama rescue the American economy from the depths of the Great Recession in 2008. He marshalled the United States Government to mount an unprecedented response to the Ebola pandemic in 2014. Most recently, Ron breathed life into an array of Democratic resistance organizations, including our own scrappy startup, Higher Ground Labs. 

For the past four years, Ron has served as the HGL Board Chair, as our public advocate and private advisor, and as a coach for our most valuable portfolio companies. He has opened the doors of his offices for networking events, gaveled investor meetings and Demo Days, hosted accelerator convenings, briefed reporters, and met with our founders. Through it all, he infused in us the same quiet confidence and capability that has defined all of his experience and success.  

When we first approached Ron about serving as HGL’s Board Chair in 2017, we had raised a total of $2 million and had 6 companies on our radar. Undeterred by our humble beginnings, Ron recognized the value of building an ecosystem for strong political technology and jumped into the fire. Today, Higher Ground Labs has invested over $17 million into 36 companies, many of which played central roles in every federal election in the country. Ron took us to new heights. 

With the news of his appointment as White House Chief of Staff, Ron will take leave from Higher Ground Labs and his other projects to run towards an even bigger fire. We join the rest of the world in rooting for the success of the Biden/Harris administration and have no doubt the country will emerge stronger and healthier thanks to Ron’s continued service.