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Higher Ground Labs Investing In European Political Technology Company

Higher Ground Labs, the leading accelerator and venture fund for progressive political technology, is investing in a Europe-based software company called Datadat. Datadat specializes in helping a wide variety of political and social organizations – including political parties, candidates, NGOs, social movements, and digital communities – transform how they engage and interact with their supporters. Datadat’s solutions range from off-the-shelf products such as WinWith.Me, the Messenger for political leaders, to highly-customized comprehensive digital solutions. Datadat has been providing services for campaigns in numerous elections around the world since it was launched in 2016. Datadat marks Higher Ground Labs’s third international investment in political-technology startups. 

“DataDat is enhancing capacity for candidates, non-profits, and other critical civic organizations across the globe,” said Shomik Dutta, a co-founder and partner at Higher Ground Labs. “Access to cutting-edge technology will define outcomes for the next generation of civic leaders working to protect and strengthen democracies around the world.” 

In addition to investment capital, Higher Ground Labs will extend to Datadat programming, coaching, and convening capacity. Higher Ground Labs hosts an accelerator bootcamp designed to accelerate product development and expose portfolio companies to clients who can benefit from innovation. Datadat will also have access to the HGL advisory board which includes top-flight campaign experts, technology gurus, entrepreneurs and investors. 

“Our team is very excited about the opportunity to work together with Higher Ground Labs to scale up Datadat and expand our activities to additional markets. This investment gives us the chance to help progressive leaders engage with supporters, mobilize grassroots energy, and channel their support through small donations,” said Adam Ficsor, founder and CEO of Datdat. 

This investment will mark Higher Ground Labs’s 46th investment in political-technology startups. Higher Ground Labs has now deployed over $50 million across three funds since 2017.

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