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Introducing INTRVL, the political media measurement company

Political media spending has soared over the last decade, with nearly 200% more spend expected in the 2022 midterms than the 2016 presidential election. Despite these record amounts of political ads spend, campaigns continue to struggle with measuring the real impact of their messaging and media.

That’s why INTRVL built a new set of tools to measure how ads are changing hearts and minds, helping political campaigns cut wasted spend and grow their ad impact by 2-3X. Drawing on their experience at Hawkfish analyzing more than $100 million in media during the 2020 cycle, founders Steven McAlpine and John Roberts created INTRVL to bring better measurement tools to political campaigns.

CEO Steven McAlpine and CTO John Roberts

By accurately measuring ad performance with real-world audiences, INTRVL helps clients think beyond pre-tests and vanity metrics to understand what most drives persuasion. These insights help optimize media programs by reducing backlash and steering media spend toward the audiences most likely to be persuaded by a given message.

Their mission? To maximize the impact of Democratic media for campaigns and causes across the nation — all without additional media spend.

“We believe that ads are more effective when they’re seen by the right people. By measuring the actual audiences targeted by your media campaign, we identify the segments, creatives, and platforms driving the most persuasion.”

Steven McAlpine

As campaigns, advocacy orgs, and independent groups ramp up their 2022 involvement, the INTRVL team is scaling their proprietary tooling to have impact in races across the country. Start growing your media’s impact by incorporating INTRVL’s tools into your campaign today.