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Introducing Unified

Eager to find a streamlined approach to promoting political and social causes after the 2016 and 2020 elections, Unified Co-Founder and CEO Shion Deysarkar set out to make organizing and activism a more fun, joyful, and community-driven experience. Shion believes that the core source of political power comes from the grassroots community.  

“After the 2020 election, I went back to the drawing board,” Shion shared.  “I wanted to provide a platform that would help organizers and activists build real, lasting power. Based on our own years of experience, we came to the conclusion that real power came from communities, and that if we wanted to help the people fighting for change, we needed to give them something that would let them build strong communities around their causes. It was from this belief that Unified was born.”

As a social network for organizers, activists, and everyone that wants to build a more progressive world, Unified’s mission lies in equipping people with the tools to build communities with a strong sense of purpose and identification around the broader progressive movement.

With input from hundreds of organizers, activists, and volunteers, Shion and the Unified team have been working on the launch of Unified since 2021 and will be officially launching the platform to the public in late 2022.  

Interested in learning more about Unified? Visit and sign up to join their early adopter community and become a Unified “superfan.”