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Meet Kristina

Unpacking is an online learning platform for gamified diversity training. We power interactive experiences and analytics to improve organizational cultures.

Recently, we asked Kristina Ashley Williams to share a bit about the company and their goals for the accelerator program. 

Tell us more about why you started your company and its mission. 

I’m Kristina and I founded Unpacking, an online learning platform for the DEI community. We exist to provide a one stop shop for working professionals to find DEI trainings, firesides,  certifications, data, and safety in a community with others championing social impact. This came in response to the frenzy following the George Floyd & Breonna Taylor murders. I came into this work because of my own experiences with racism and sexism in the workplace and decided to apply my two masters degrees from USC in Teaching and Design Thinking to do something about it. I am also the great great niece of Jackie Robinson, so this work is in my blood.

Where are your founders from? Where is the company based now? 

From Oakland, CA – Based in Atlanta, GA

What are the features you’re most excited about at the moment? 

Gamified diversity training increases behavior change through peer collaboration. Certifications provide validation of skill development for professional record. Datavisualization shows DEI trends across industries for reports.

What has been the most challenging part of being a founder? 

Loneliness. Lots of sacrifice of time with friends and family with the hope of creating a better future for them and yourself. 

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

Tokyo, Japan — the technology, food, culture, and fashion offers multi-layered inspiration.

What is your favorite hobby that you’ve started in the last year?

Does online shopping count? My cooking skills have thoroughly grown since we’ve been in quarantine.