Our 2019 Accelerator Recap

In November, we wrapped up our 2019 accelerator program. We worked closely with 11 start-ups to refine their sales and fundraising pitches, sharpen their pricing strategies, and connect with key stakeholders in the political tech space.

The program is focused around 4 intensives: week-long boot camps where founders work together on core areas of business development. Through these events and the resources available in between, founders build relationships with each other, the Higher Ground Labs team, and key stakeholders in the political tech market. 

Our 2019 program included:

  • 4 intensives
  • 9 major external networking events in Chicago, DC and LA
  • 10 hours of 1:1 coaching and mentorship
  • 66 speaker-led sessions (including 44% female speakers)
  • 128 hours of intensive programming
  • 515+ unique event attendees

While the program pieces we plan are useful, founders often tell us the most valuable part of Higher Ground Labs is the relationships they build with each other and the progressive community more broadly. Here are some of our favorite quotes from our 2019 cohort. 

“It was super helpful hearing such candor from companies that previously went through the cohort, like BallotReady, Avalanche Strategy, Swayable, CallTime and more”

“We’d love to stay involved with future cohorts, their growth, and would love to be looped in any time another company could use our help and vice-versa. This is an incredible community. Let’s keep it going.”

“As a younger company, we’ve always made sure to work closely with our partners and clients to build the infrastructure for tools they need and will actually use. This accelerator allowed us to continue building those relationships, gather feedback from the organizing community and continue learning about the gaps in technology that still need addressing. It was such a privilege to be put in the same room with so many of these stakeholders. The accelerator helped us reopen inactive deals that we had in progress, provided validation for Outvote as a company to evaluators, and opened the door to many new opportunities for 2020. In fact, Outvote closed its first presidential client in large part due to one piece of very specific feedback provided by one of the HGL advisors. Outvote will have a significantly stronger sales pitch, fundraising pitch, sales pipeline, and revenue as a direct result of being in the HGL accelerator.”

“Higher Ground Labs did an incredible job of connecting us with mentors and packing rooms full of people who were excited to hear more about our company and figure out ways to team up.”

Every one of our founders is working tirelessly to build products that create impact for progressive campaigns and causes in 2020. We are proud to be part of their story.