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Our Portfolio Companies in VA

Yesterday’s Democratic turnout was the highest in a gubernatorial election in the last 20 years. This correlated to a surge of activity from activists, the Party, and outside resistance groups that collectively shattered voter contact records in a Gubernatorial race.  This wave of voter contact was powered by innovative technology platforms that VA campaigns and outside groups embraced as an integrated part of their strategy. These technology platforms empowered volunteers to engage with voters across the state in new ways that should guide Democratic campaign strategy in 2018 and beyond.  

Eight of our portfolio companies deployed their tools in Virginia. Collectively, they contacted and mobilized a total of 1.2 million Virginia volunteers and voters. The following companies were involved yesterday: BallotReady, GroundGame, Grove AI, Hustle, Qriously, MobilizeAmerica, Tuesday Company and VoterCircle.

“Over the course of the past six months I have watched these companies prepare and test their new technology at breakneck speed to support and organize this incredible wave of energy,” said HGL Advisory Board Chair Ron Klain. “All eyes now turn to 2018, and we hope to continue closing the ‘progressive tech gap’ and fuel electoral success.”

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be working with each of these teams to learn from their engagement in 2017 elections across the country to maximize the impact of new technology in 2018. But yesterday gave us a sense of what is possible when great candidates choose to invest in and use technology to make their strategy even more effective. We get better results.

Join us in getting even better results in 2018.