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Web3 x Politics Report

How might Web3 technologies impact the Democratic political tech space over the coming years? 

This is the central question that we explored through our new Web3 x Politics Report. 

Over the past 18 months, you have likely encountered Web3 technologies – including cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). The remarkable surge in Web3 adoption in 2021 was met with a significant market correction in June 2022. Despite justified skepticism surrounding the perceived value, lack of regulation, and demonstrated environmental impact of these tools, many technologists, creatives, and investors believe that new Web3 infrastructure is rapidly changing the technology space.

Our Web3 x Politics Report provides a foundational base of information that can help campaigns, advocacy organizations, and political tech practitioners get up-to-speed and determine if the early use cases of these technologies are appropriate for and applicable to their missions and operations. To that end, this report isn’t intended to encourage investment in or adoption of these technologies; instead, we aim to lay out all the information on the table. Our mission here is to support confident, well-informed, and clear-eyed strategic decisions on where and when to explore Web3’s applications in the political space.

We recognize that many readers may be skeptical about these technologies and early predictions on their role within the political space – and in many circumstances, core Web3 use cases will likely have no place in politics. Additionally, widespread Democratic Party adoption may not be possible until environmental, consumer protection, and national security concerns are resolved across this nascent field. Throughout this report, we highlight the major concerns surrounding the Web3 movement and weigh pros and cons, with a particular focus on energy consumption and identifying use cases that solve genuine pain points or enhance programs noticeably. 

As political tech practitioners dedicated to ensuring that Democrats remain ahead of the curve, Higher Ground Labs has a responsibility to make sense of these new tools and understand their implications in the political space. In this report, we do so by: 

  • Presenting simplified definitions
  • Summarizing Web3 trends
  • Highlighting existing use cases
  • Noting flags, roadblocks, and best practices
  • Weighing pros and cons
  • Discussing implementation strategies
  • Suggesting areas in need of exploration and innovation 

Moving forward, Higher Ground Labs will be tracking developments across this nascent industry to determine the applicability, feasibility, and usefulness of certain technologies in the political space. 

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