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Webinar Recap: Data Driven Message Development with Avalanche Strategy

Technology is changing the way work gets done on campaigns and within organizations. There are new tools in the market that can help us gain insights, produce meaningful content, and organize our activists. But figuring out how to incorporate these new data insights and tech tools can be challenging.

Last month, we kicked off our new webinar series to explore how the political technology ecosystem is shifting ahead of 2020, and to share which tools and opportunities we’re finding most compelling in the space. Each webinar will focus on one vertical of the political tech landscape map from our 2018 Landscape Analysis report. Over the next year, we’ll host a series of webinars to further the discussion around data analytics, research, fundraising, organizational infrastructure and more. 

Our first webinar focused on messaging and media, with an in-depth look at data driven message development co-hosted by Avalanche Strategy. Messaging and media often commands the most dollars and attention in a campaign. But incorporating insights from research groups, and polling results, has traditionally been a gut-instinct exercise. 

For the first time, companies like Avalanche Strategy are reproducing the insights of a focus group at scale using a technique called psychographic listening. By listening to constituents in their own voice, messaging prescriptions can be more tailored and empathetic. This type of work represents a huge opportunity area for progressives in 2020, and Avalanche Strategy is at the forefront of informed message development. 
To learn more about Avalanche Strategy’s work and how they’re helping campaigns and organizations craft better messages, watch the recording of the full webinar here.