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Welcoming Our New Advisors

We all know it takes a village to raise a child – especially this year. But at HGL, we have also found it takes a village to build a company – and we have the best village possible.

The Higher Ground Labs Advisory Board plays a critical role in our community. These leaders in technology, business and politics volunteer to work with our portfolio companies to prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead. They serve as speakers and mentors, offer office hours and introductions, attend events and brainstorm new opportunities. Many have built relationships with founders and stay involved with companies long after the accelerator ends. 

Our advisors are leaders in their respective fields who volunteer their time to support entrepreneurs in political tech. Their perspective and experience not only helps our founders, but also makes the political tech industry stronger. Presidential campaign managers, movement leaders, successful venture capitalists and technologists from companies like Twitter and LinkedIn choose to spend a little bit of their time building this space, focusing on political tech leaders. This makes our industry stronger and our infrastructure better in cycle and out. 

16 new advisors are joining our board this year, bringing with them experience in the 2020 cycle and deeper understanding of some of the areas we care about most. Welcome to the HGL family! Let’s get to work.

Allen Kramer, Co-Founder & President, Mobilize
Kate Gage, Founding Partner, TMC
Tatenda Musapatike, Founder & CEO, Voter Formation Project
Gary Brown, CEO, Political Data, Inc.
Jiore Craig, Principal, GQR
Tamer Moktar, Partner, InvestinginUs
Mollie Ruskin, Independent Designer & Strategist
Ryan Clinton, co-Founder & Partner Ridgeline
Josh Hendler, President, Bacon and Grit Strategies
Caitlin Mitchell, Partner, NEWCO Strategies
Jose Nunez, Deputy Chief Mobilization Officer, Organizing, DNC
Ross Weiner, Partner & General Counsel, Qatalyst Partners
Liesel Pritzker Simmons, Blue Haven Holdings LLC
Ian Simmons, Blue Haven Holdings LLC
Jonae Wartel, VP, Advocacy & Programs, More Than A Vote
Anthony Foxx, Chief Policy Officer & Senior Advisor to the President & CEO, Lyft