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Adaptive Campaigning During COVID: Recap

Adaptive Campaigning During COVID: Recap

COVID-19 has drastically changed the landscape of campaigns in many ways. From how campaigns interact with voters to connecting with potential donors, campaigns have had to adapt to a substantially different environment. We previously highlighted solutions to campaign objectives affected by COVID-19, which includes strategies and tools for voter outreach, live events, fundraising, and voting. 

Over the past few months, campaigns and progressive organizations have made huge shifts in their programs, budgets, and priorities to meet a fully distributed electorate. Many of the companies in our portfolio have been a part of these solutions. Earlier this week, we were excited to hear from several who have been partners in this transformation during our showcase, Adaptive Campaigning During COVID.

The event featured seven HGL portfolio companies (see below). Presenters demoed their products and discussed specific use-cases pertaining to COVID, including adaptive solutions around mail and digital ads, relational organizing programs, voter registration tools, and predictive data. 

We would like to thank all of the brilliant speakers who presented. These companies are spearheading initiatives that are both powerful and productive, while continuing to engage supporters and candidates alike during a constantly changing “normal.” 

Higher Ground Labs is proud to play a part in elevating innovative, progressive solutions that are ready to meet the challenges of 2020 and beyond. 

If you are interested in receiving a recording of the showcase, please email 

Here is a list of the presenters and supplemental resources: 

Speakeasy Political

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Campaign Spotlight: Vote Save America and the fight for safe and secure elections
Campaign Spotlight: Team Warren takes a stand to protect essential workers

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Blog: Political Fundraising During the Pandemic
Webinar: Campaigning Amid COVID-19: How Democratic Fundraising Can Adapt
Money in Politics Podcast: Political Fundraising During a Pandemic?

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