Meet Thomas and James

Measure Studio makes centralizing and analyzing your social media data easy, so you and your team can focus on what you do best: making great content. Recently, we asked founders Thomas Kramer and James Creech to share a bit about the company and their goals for the accelerator program.  Tell us more about why you […]

Meet Emily and Josh

Goodstock & Co. is committed to creating good products, connecting good people, and celebrating good causes through their online self-service merch store. Recently, we asked founders Emily Parcell and Josh Grossfeld to share a bit about the company and their goals for the accelerator program.   Tell us more about why you started your company and […]

Meet Philip and Brandon

Votus is a communication platform that  helps organizations identify and engage their supporters through 1:1 conversations across different social networks at scale.  Recently, we asked founders Philip Armstrong and Brandon Harris to share a bit about the company and their goals for the accelerator program.   Tell us more about why you started your company and […]

Announcing our 2021 cohort

By definition, innovation is never finished. The mission of Higher Ground Labs is to promote and support constant innovation for a better democracy. Over the past four years, we have invested in companies that have become core infrastructure for progressive politics. In 2020, HGL companies played a pivotal role in every piece of campaign strategy, […]

Announcing HGL’s 2021 Investment Thesis

At Higher Ground Labs, we invest in technology that helps progressives win. That has been our core mission since 2017, and it guides our work every day. To help fulfill that mission, we write an annual investment thesis to highlight specific areas of underinvestment and technological need in the progressive ecosystem.  We are excited to […]

August Accelerator 2019 Recap

After a month apart, our third cohort of portfolio companies reconvened in Chicago for the second of four intensives as part of our accelerator program.